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I can't believe this FULL game is FREE!?




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works for me, led me to Moddb and rn is downloading, 8gb and the downlaoding servers are pretty good (I'm in france) don't know why that was not working for u 😕

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19 hours ago, Bandhan Biswas said:

Do I need to download/install S.T.A.L.K.E.R- Call of Pripyat in order to run this game??

I don't think so.

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cant launch it. when I hit the verify installed version button it says tools\checksums.MD5 is missing even though its not.

Edited by Communist_Scorpion
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2 hours ago, SaintPhillthy said:

When i download it, its just a 7z file and i cant get anything out of that. Any help would be awesome 

7z is a 7 zip file type. try getting 7 zip if you dont have it as its an alternative to winwar.

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On 4/21/2021 at 7:25 AM, Bandhan Biswas said:

Do I need to download/install S.T.A.L.K.E.R- Call of Pripyat in order to run this game??


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I played Clear Skies and it was not for me, but when I saw this, my interest came back, and now I love this game.

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On 5/11/2021 at 8:59 PM, SaintPhillthy said:

When i download it, its just a 7z file and i cant get anything out of that. Any help would be awesome 

Uninstall ANY and ALL other compression/decompression applications (especially WinRAR). You will ONLY need 7zip from now on and forever. 7zip handles just about any compression/storage format you can even think of and is faster and better and ad-free and open source and integrates great with windows explorer.

Get it from this site (and not from a 3rd-party site like cnet or download.com or some such...)

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