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Showing content with the highest reputation since 11/18/16 in File Reviews

    Small indoor level. It's not the same like video of Unrecord. FPS 40-90 on RTX 3080 + Ryzen 9 5900X. The lowest FPS is near the window when there are a lot of light beams. GPU load is 100% , CPU load is 2% only.
    1 point
    Тестовая версия только с одним зданием. Полетать с дебаг камерой можно на клавишу ";" Пока что очевидно, что даже с маленькой сценой оптимизации никакой нет. GTX 1660 S выдает ~25 fps Можно ковырять настройки в файле Engine\Saved\Config\Windows\Manifest.ini
    1 point
    Absolutely amazing game! I'm so glad I came across your video introducing this gem. Highly recommend this game, it is basically modern day bannerlord. Can't wait for its release or maybe more testing!
    1 point
    Looks really good and cant wait to give it a try
    1 point
    Be warned, while the SDK is free as in price, it is not free as in freedom. *Update: This critical review appears to have unfortunately been censored. Here is evidence: https://web.archive.org/web/20220424172214/https://www.operationharshdoorstop.com/file/3-ohdcore-mod-kit/ According to the EULA Drakeling Labs has complete control and ownership over not only of this SDK but anything you create with it, and they can revoke your access at any time for any reason. While this project is interesting compared to mainstream games, it does not sufficiently address the problems that Bluedrake42 outlines in his criticisms of the mainstream titles and does not guarantee your freedom to use and modify this software or even what you create with it. Read it for yourself, skip to page 11 in this document for the part relevant to the SDK. https://drakelings.bluedrake42.com/index.php?/sdk-eula-tos/ I hope it is improved soon. *Update 2, this review was censored twice, here is evidence: https://web.archive.org/web/20220510013318/https://www.operationharshdoorstop.com/file/3-ohdcore-mod-kit/ I have also made a post here further explaining the situation: https://bluedrake42exposed.wordpress.com/2022/05/11/bluedrake42-censoring-criticism-of-operation-harsh-doorstops-license/
    1 point
    Amazing mod with very intelligent AI.
    1 point
    Much game, very wow
    1 point
    Game looks promising, yet, for those who expect to download it from the panel above - it's not available to play, at least for now. Ferocious is still in development and will be released as paid product, yet there might be some demo/early access in the end of this year or next. In the meantime feel welcome to follow news on projects twitter/discord as game is getting more and more progress.
    1 point
    AMAZING!!!!!! Great physics and flight models, awesome textures and it ran decent even on integrated graphics!
    1 point
    Okay so I found the standalone version if anyone is asking, dunno why they haven't linked it in. https://www.moddb.com/mods/heat-of-battle2/downloads/heat-of-battle-standalone
    0 points
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